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THE PROCESS is strange, sometimes...

My son, De'Ja, was talking to me the other day.  He's going through some changes with a business thing he's got going on, some changes that have nothing to do with him, but it affects how he'll be able to do business.  He said something to the effect of how this individual "...takes no pride in his business which is a representation of his name".  

Of course, that struck home with me.  

I'm sitting in my office at this writing.  I've done no work in this office in months.  I've done nothing on this site since before April 15th of 2018, judging by the previoius vibe here.  Why?  Why the absence?  Why so long?  Not really writing, not really vibing, not doing anything but being bummed out...why?


Well, I have some health issues that have affected me more than I've been willing to admit, even to myself until lately.  I have lost a brother, Robert Thomas, who was the best of us, and I've lost my sponsor, Johnnie Copeland, who taught me to think.  It's been rough.  But that's not the whole store.


I don't, or haven't yet, done well with sales, and I believe that killed a lot of my motivation to keep doing the daily minutiae of trying to grow Z-Phyles.  It has been somewhat demoralizing, I'll be honest.

But, why?

I've written my books.  I've done my best, at what I've enjoyed doing.  My life is okay, good most days.  My child is grown, my grandson is healthy and the days have meaning.  Inspiration is all around me.  I have no reason to feel bad because I don't have a big enough gun to put to the heads of readers, to make them check out my works.  

If I keep working, I'll get there.

But I don't want people to come here and think, "Damn, this the same thing that was here a year ago...ain't nothing going on here..."


I'm worth more than that.  MY WORK is worth more than that.


So, this is Z-Phyles, 2.0.  Not sure about the Publishing Services, though I'm always happy to help someone do their thing.  

But first do no harm.  Then, love the neighbors as you love yourself.


Time for some self-love.  Thanks for understanding.




Aspire higher, 



Timothy Z

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