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This is the audio page. Here's where you can find excerpts and snippets of different vibes that you might just dig.  A preview for you, to make your enjoyment of the Z-Phyles catalog a bit more well-rounded.  

THE BOOK OF OLD LAZARUS - a poetic offering as an introduction to the essence of this last chapter (?) to the tale began in 'WAITING FOR JESUS'

JANICE'S JOURNAL - redo of the video for the story of one woman's deepening understanding of being and becoming 'her sister's keeper.  Available now through Z-Phyles Publishing

Excerpt 1 from The Book Of Old Lazarus - a chapter interpretively presented from the story now up for publication through the Amazon Kindle Scout campaign.  Be sure to vote for it!

Excerpt 2 from The Book of Old Lazarus. 
A selection read to a mysterious background composition. Be sure to nominate the book for publication at Amazon's Kindle Scout campaign.

Excerpt 3 from THE BOOK OF OLD LAZARUS, read by RA Goddess.

The final excerpt from THE BOOK OF OLD LAZARUS, narrated by Lynn Riddlesprigger

The Land of Evolon

This is a promo for a new poem/story about a mystical city that can help one forget their pains of heart and disappointment...if they are truly able to let go...

OLD LAZARUS Pre-Sale Video

I get by with a little help from my friends.  And in this case, my friends are:  J.M. Carono playing the Devil, A.J. Skratch as the Man Jesus, and my brother, the incredible artist Jerome Thomas as Old Lazarus.  This vid was put together as a promotion for our Pre-Sale of the Book of Old Lazarus, and though the sale results weren't so great, their contribution was fantastic and appreciated.  Thanks again, brothers.  

Again, thanks given for the folks that keep me going on this journey.  My aunt Michelle and my child Sydney as the computer technicians, one of my main homies Marc Wem as the sinister Mr. Gunderson, and in an anonymous role, Joe Spangler as the Robot known to readers as the SAVR-1, or the Mechanical Jesus.  Read the book and find out what's what, just follow the link on the Products page.


A promotional ran on YouTube for the poetry collection ISOHYET, winter poetry and emotions in a season of the changes to come.  Filmed with icons from the basement of my parent's home, things new and familiar, which is how I was feeling at the time.

Everytime The Phone Rings

Oh Man, if ever I had some blues, this was it.  Straight heartbreak, and trying to deal with the void when you let go.  It needs work, but I can add no more emotion to it and continue to heal.  

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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