I want to clarify something, for those who have been so supportive up til now. I, Timothy Thomas, known as Timothy Z, am grateful for your patience and your encouragement. This is especially true of some friends who have stuck by me despite my (sometimes very much) less than stellar willingness or quality. I am sorry about both of those. I have been through some changes, but that is no excuse. Those who spend money deserve the quality that their money is worth, and I am afraid in many instances I have shorted you. I say this to one person in particular, but as I do not wish to sleight anyone, I name no names and hope that you know who you are.
I promise, I'm going to do better now.
I have been as meticulous as I can with the print manuscripts of both MECHANICAL JESUS and THE BOOK of OLD LAZARUS. I have combed through them as a mother runs torture through a small child's hair before church. I could say that going forward this will be the policy, and that would be true, but that is not all. I am going to go back, I am going to re-edit and re-format my past works and get them up to snuff, especially as I would like my novels and epic poetry to be available in print for those who enjoy that medium. I thank you, for your advising that quality was imperative was heard and, finally, responded to. I thank you for your patience, and I promise I will make the wait worth it if I possibly still can.
Welcome to Z-Phyles
Stay Tuned...

The Girl Behind The Glass
The continuation of the fictional autobiography, BAD ROAD, coming soon.