services & pricing
As on the front page, welcome and apologies where needed. I am personally sorry if there has been a lack of response from any inquiries that have come over the past year. I have had to realign quite a bit of personal material, life things, to get back to working on this as I should. It is still in progress, but if you leave an email or a message where applicable, I promise you a timely response. Thank you for your patience. Our prices remain the same, the services are still offered and we would still like the opportunity to present your YOU to whomever is waiting to partake of your talent. Check us out, let us know, and Inquire Higher.
Not just spelling: we proofread, correct grammatical and spelling errors and adjust for continuity and the flow of the narrative, with a special eye toward preserving YOUR WRITING STYLE. Your book doesn't need to read like anyone else's just because you're working in the same language, right?
$350 up to 400 pages, $400 from 401 to 600 pages, call for pricing for more than 600 pages
Whaaaat? What are they talking about? I know, we hear you asking yourself that. Really, it's a good question. Here's our answer. We use your narrative, a section of your story, and we give it a voice. We have it read and recorded, we select images that give it an ocular identification in the listener's mind, and we create a simple music to solidify the atmosphere of your nuance. Your excerpt can then be posted on Youtube, Vimeo or any number of video sites you might be a member of, and you can tell your support team where they can get a supermarket sample of your work.
$150 per Excerpt Production
If that wasn't cool enough, we also offer complete video interpretation of your product. From your synopsis and your story, we craft storyboards, brainstorm production ideas and put together simple video to use as a social-media commercial for your book. We add the video editing and craft an original soundtrack as background for your video. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT! You end up with your summary played out dramatic fashion for the world to see, a great tool to create a positive impression about your work.
$275 per Synopsis Video
This is the Deal: We offer the editing. We give you formatting for your particular preference of publishing (Kindle, E-book or Softcover), we do up to THREE Excerpt Videos and ONE Synopsis Video, AND we place your videos on our Z-PHYLES Page on YouTube, in addition to your own placement. We use YOUR list of contacts to get your people involved in the process of getting YOUR NAME out as wide as it can get, and we maintain your social media presence (as far as your book goes) for up to six months of updates and new information about your book. We put you in OUR Z-Phyles Publishing Services Video listing on our website here as well as on Facebook. AND WE DO ALL THIS...for a flat $500 fee. NOW, THAT'S RIDICULOUS! We know. We agree. But, we want you to succeed, because your success is going to make our product more valuable. Does that make sense? And, at $500, that means most of this becomes VALUE ADDED SERVICE. Right on, Right on...